
Tuesday Community Lunches at Bonnington Café

Tuesday Community Lunches at Bonnington Café

20 January 2025

They're back! Pay-what-you-can community lunches at Bonnington Café. Welcoming warm space, free Wi-Fi and vegetarian snacks and lunch. Cooking with food donated by City Harvest and fresh seasonal herbs from Roots and Shoots.

Their community lunches provide a “real life” café training opportunity to neurodiverse young adults currently in training at Roots and Shoots horticultural college in Kennington.

The cafe is open on Tuesdays from 11-2PM serving cake, coffees, teas and other drinks as well as a starter and a main for anyone in need! 11 Vauxhall Grove, London SW8 1TF

To book text or call Ela on 07806629166

January News from Lambeth Larder

January News from Lambeth Larder

16 January 2025

Hello folks! Here's our first newsletter of 2025 with news of our latest social media platform and more. Enjoy!